Our R&D expertise

Vine and Wine

We support producers (estates, wine merchants), industrialists in viticulture and oenology, technical institutes, service providers and consultants, inter-professional organizations, unions and wine management organizations (ODG) in order to:

  • control and optimize production tools, solve technical problems in the cellar, and enhance wine-making by-products
  • evaluate new production techniques (viticultural or oenological) under each company’s specific operating conditions, and enhance experimentation
  • respond to the major challenges of the industry (agroecology in viticulture, reducing phytosanitary inputs, alternatives to sulfites, controlling wine aging, developing wine-making by-products, etc.)
  • develop and validate or demonstrate the benefits of new solutions, from the laboratory to real production or use conditions.

We rely directly on the technical and scientific skills of the research staff of the laboratories of the University of Burgundy and AgroSup Dijon, UMR(*) Procédés Alimentaires et Microbiologiques (PAM), Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation (CSGA), AGROECOLOGIE and BIOGEOSCIENCES.

With the Burgundy-Franche-Comté Region’s financial support, we have state-of-the-art equipment that allows us to offer innovative analysis solutions and ambitious partnership research programs.

(*) Unité Mixte de Recherche

Our team supports you in your R&D projects or carries out, according to your needs, analyses with the scientific support of researchers in Burgundy.

Main partner laboratory: UMR Procédés Alimentaires et Microbiologiques (PAM), University of Burgundy

Oenological experimentation | Support for cellar experimentation | Spirit development trials

Technological advantages: University of Burgundy

Possible uses: Support for experimentation of oenological products or itineraries. Development of new products.

Main partner laboratory: UMR Procédés Alimentaires et Microbiologiques (PAM), DIVVA platform
Specific research topics: Microbial ecology and interactions, Brettanomyces, O.Oeni, Biofilms (including Voiles), Fermentation, non-Saccharomyces yeasts

Polyphenol characterization | Oxidative stability evaluations for white wines | Macromolecule characterization | Aroma and contaminant analyses | Non-targeted molecular analyses: metabolomicsIdentification of disorders, deposits and contaminants

Technological advantage: state-of-the-art analytical equipment, specific approaches for wines and spirits

Possible application: detection, compound quantification or characterization of molecular interactions in wines


Main partner laboratory: UMR Procédés Alimentaires et Microbiologiques (PAM)
Specific research topics: Microbial ecology and interactions, Brettanomyces, O.Oeni, Biofilms (including Voiles), Fermentation, non-Saccharomyces yeasts

Microbial ecology | Indigenous strain selection | Micro-organism implantation testing

Technological advantage: expertise in wine micro-organisms

Possible uses: studying microbial ecology during vinification, quality control

Main partner laboratory: UMR Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation (CSGA)
Specific research topic: Sensoriality of white wine oxidation

Sensory evaluation of wines

Technological advantage: sensory analysis rooms, trained panels, statistical expertise
Possible uses: evaluating the impact of oenological practices on wine tasting

Main partner laboratory: UMR Agroécologie

Evaluation of the quality and biodiversity of vineyard soils | Mycorrhization analysis | Microbial activity and carbon turnover in soils | Enzymatic activities |
Physico-chemical soil analysis: total soil, WEOC, non-targeted approaches

Link to the Agri-Environment domain / Soil microbiology section

Main supporting laboratories: UMR Agroécologie, Procédés Alimentaires et Microbiologiques (PAM)

Screening biostimulant activity on grapevines | Efficacy test against downy mildew in grapevines | Screening and efficacy test of stimulators of natural defenses in grapevines | In vivo experimentation in natura

Technological advantage: Pathosystem control, microscopic, chemical, genetic approaches…
Possible use: Developing alternative phytosanitary treatments

Main partner laboratory: UMR Biogéosciences
Specific research topics: Precision agriculture, climatic effect on viticulture, frost risk management

Hydric constraint management in vines | Topoclimatic studies of vineyards | Oenological potential of vineyards

Technological advantage: Topoclimatic modelling and mapping

Possible uses: Identifying frost risks and evaluating control methods

Main laboratory: UMR Procédés Alimentaires et Microbiologiques (PAM), DIVVA platform
Specific research topics: Internal structure of natural cork stoppers, physico-chemical properties and gas transfer through the stoppers or at the glass-cork interface.

Physico-chemical properties of materials | Gas permeability of stoppers and containers | Aging process monitoring

Technological advantage: Advanced analytical equipment

Possible application: characterizing the oxygen permeability of stoppers

Main partner laboratory: UMR Procédés Alimentaires et Microbiologiques (PAM), Méthanov platform

Composting or methanizing vineyard by-products

Link to the Biotechnologies field / Methanization section

Take advantage of the resources at the Institut Universitaire de la Vigne et du Vin, a viticulture and oenology training center in Dijon, and of the DiVVA platform’s expertise and analysis solutions.

We offer training courses including:

  • A scientific approach
  • Practical workshops on site
  • Concrete expert testimonies
  • Tailor-made content to meet your needs directly

See our training courses

We offer tailor-made R&D programs that guarantee you access to expertise and technical, scientific and technological resources.

Scientific and technical platforms


State-of-the-art equipment and laboratories

  • Access to specific laboratory resources
  • The University of Burgundy’s experimental vineyard: a 3-hectare vineyard located in Marsannay-la-Côte to conduct studies on grape varieties and traditional winemaking methods in Burgundy
  • The resources of the SAYENS platforms: Biotechinnov, Agribusiness, Methanov, Agri-Environment
  • A 400 m² equipment hall

A team of experts and scientists at your disposal

  • Research staff from the laboratories and large campus analytical platforms
  • The University of Burgundy vineyard’s operating team
  • Sayens engineers and technicians
  • Numerous partnerships to establish relationships and set up projects (GIP BVV, agrOnov)
  • DPPH index analysis to monitor the evolution of oxidative stability according to different viticultural or winemaking itineraries.
  • Aromatic assays of volatile wood compounds and sensory evaluation to assess the impact of different wood treatments on wines
  • Identification of deposits in wines
  • Metabolomic approaches to identify the determining factors of white wine evolution.
  • Analysis of the evolution of yeast biodiversity in grape musts during vatting
  • Implantation testing for selected yeast strains
  • Monitoring the microbial ecology in musts under bioprotection in comparison with sulfiting
  • Indigenous yeast viability tests
  • Evaluation of the impact of different soil management methods on the microbiological quality of soils and vine mycorrhization
  • Work on wine conservation and aging: impact of corks, containers, conservation at sea, etc

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Financing schemes: you can benefit from Sayens’ approved schemes

See our financing schemes

Do you want to train yourself or your teams
to develop new products ?

See our training courses

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