Our R&D expertise

Modeling and Numerical Simulation

We support you with your innovation process, from the idea to industrialization and offer you solutions adapted to your needs.

We rely directly on the technical and scientific skills of our research staff and on the scientific independence of the University of Burgundy’s laboratories through Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne (ICB) and le Centre d’Excellence en Métallurgie des Poudres (CALHIPSO).

With the Burgundy-Franche-Comté Region’s financial support, we have state-of-the-art equipment that allows us to offer innovative analysis solutions and ambitious partnership research programs.

Our team supports you with your R&D projects or carries out analyses, according to your needs, with the scientific support of our network of researchers in Burgundy.

Implementation of multi-scale simulation tools: from molecular dynamics to finite element calculations

Thermal, mechanical, fluidic, dynamic and multi-physics analysis

Main partner laboratory: UMR Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne (ICB)

Whatever your sector of activity, predicting, analyzing and modeling your products’ behavior in their environment is a guarantee of technological control, quality assurance and cost reduction. Digital simulation has become the first step for any successful development. A support unit allows us to be at the service of companies and laboratories.

Through the digital support unit, we can bring additional know-how to your field. We offer tailor-made solutions to meet your specific requirements.

Expertise throughout your research, development and innovation projects | High-performance calculation tools | Multi-disciplinary use

Modeling & Simulation

Technological advantage:

  • Multi-disciplinary calculation tools (with mechanical, thermal and fluidic software…) via the University of Burgundy Data-Center

Possible uses:

  • Simulating your products’ behavior during all phases of design, manufacturing and use
  • Analyzing, detecting and correcting anomalies that have appeared on equipment
  • Optimizing manufacturing costs via experimental designs
  • Training on software

Personalized digital training can also be offered on request.

Its location within the University of Burgundy gives it proximity to the Data Center and means that a powerful and fast cluster is readily available.

Contact us

We offer tailor-made R&D programs that guarantee you access to state-of-the-art scientific and technological expertise and resources.

Scientific and technical platforms

State-of-the-art equipment and laboratories

Resources available at the University of Burgundy Data Center (other software may be available on request)

Specialization on the Dassault Systèmes package:

  • Finite Element Analysis: Abaqus/Standard, /Explicit, /CFD and Abaqus/CAE
  • Multi-Object Optimization: Isight
  • Topological and Shape Optimization: Tosca Structure
  • Fluid Optimization: Tosca Fluid
  • Fatigue Analysis: Fe-safe

Meshless and Particle Simulation
• Tools: SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics), CGMD (Coarse Grained Molecular Dynamics) and Discrete Element Method (DEM)

Process Development and Optimization: Finite Element Method, Dynamics and Computational Fluid Mechanics
• Tools: Academic and Research Pack, Simulia-Dassault systems (Abaqus, Tosca, Fe-safe, Isight)

Resources available at Laboratoire DRIVE (Département de Recherche en Ingénierie des Véhicules pour l’Environnement)
Modeling and Simulation: Mechanical, fluidic, acoustic, fatigue and structural design and calculations 

MSC finite element software pre/post processing under MSC PATRAN & LS-PREPOST

Static/dynamic calculations with MSC NASTRAN
Explicit calculations with LS-DYNA (fast dynamics: crash, drop-test…)
Fatigue calculations with MSC FATIGUE

Non-linear calculations with MSC MARC (material non-linearities, large displacements, contacts, composites)
Explicit calculations with MSC DYTRAN (fluid-structure interaction) Calculations on composite parts and structures with MSC LAMINATE MODELER

CAD and finite element calculation software NX 5 and I-DEAS : volume/surface modeling, assembly, drawing, motion (kinematic simulation),

Plotter output, STEP import/export, native CATIA, IGES, DXF, SET; Pre/post processing and linear solver

Vibro-acoustic calculation software RAYON: calculating a cavity’s acoustic modes, treating fluid-structure interaction problems in 3D coupled mode, calculating acoustic insulation (NR)

A team of experts and scientists at your disposal

  • Modeling, simulation and optimization of various experimental equipments and prostheses:
    • Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS), thermal, mechanical, electrical and electromagnetic analysis
    • Hot Isostatic Pressure (HIP), deformation and compaction of powders
    • Hydrothermal synthesis reactor, fluidic (CFD) and thermal
    • Heating baths and induction heating, multi-physics analysis (fluid/structure interaction)
    • Biomechanical models (heart valves, veins, bronchial tubes)

Financing schemes: you can benefit from Sayens’ approved schemes

See our financing schemes

Do you want to train yourself or your teams
to develop new products ?

See our training courses

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