Our R&D Expertise


We support you in your innovation process, from the idea to industrialization, and offer you solutions adapted to your needs.

We rely directly on the technical and scientific skills of our research staff and on the scientific independence of the University of Burgundy and AgroSup Dijon’s laboratories, which are the UMR(*) Agroécologie and Biogéosciences.

With the Burgundy-Franche-Comté Region’s financial support, we have state-of-the-art equipment that allows us to offer innovative analysis solutions and ambitious partnership research programs.

We are also a certified Centre de Ressources Technologiques (CRT). For more information

(*) Unité Mixte de Recherche

Our team supports you with your R&D projects and carries out analyses, according to your needs, with the scientific support of our network of researchers in Burgundy.

Main partner laboratory: UMR Agroécologie

Specific research topics: Biocontrol, Biostimulants, Plant Defense Stimulators, Studies of grapevine immune responses

Evaluating the effects of biostimulants and biocontrol capacities | Measuring the induction efficiency of plant defenses | Testing the efficiency of your protection products and understanding their mode of action | Mycorrhization study | Genetic expression study | Varietal line selection and monitoring

Technological advantages: Validating the biostimulant/biocontrol/SDP effect/efficacy tests of your molecules and finding out their mode of action on plants

Main partner laboratory: UMR Agroécologie

Specific research topics: Microbiological soil quality indicators, beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms, soil ecology

Microbiological soil quality indicators | Functional genomics | Genetic diversity and traceability of microorganism populations | Evaluate the effect of your biostimulant and biocontrol products on soil microbial communities

Technological advantages: optimizing your agricultural practices and the use of your products in an environment that combines input reduction, yield maintenance and sustainable agriculture and measuring specific functions related to carbon and nitrogen’s biogeochemical cycles

Possible uses: supporting product development (dosages, optimal formulations …) and asserting scientific arguments for to support the product’s marketing

Main partner laboratory: UMR Agroécologie

Specific research topics: Isolation and validation of degrading bacteria, Microorganism production

Ecotoxicology | Bioremediation | Functional monitoring | Specific molecular marker development

Technological advantage: Personalized support in all phases of your Bioremediation projects

Possible uses: Monitoring Bioremediation kinetics and promoting the sustainable rehabilitation of polluted sites

Are you looking for training in one of our skills?

Do not hesitate to contact us and we will work out together a training adapted to your needs.

Contact us

We offer tailor-made R&D programs that guarantee you access to state-of-the-art scientific and technological expertise and resources.

Scientific and technical platforms

Biotech’Innov, DIVVA, DIMACELL, PACSMUB, GISMO Geochemistry Platform

State-of-the-art equipment and laboratories

  • Molecular Biology Laboratory
  • Plant Biology Laboratory
  • Microbiology Laboratory (P2)
  • 1000 m2 of experimental greenhouses
  • Agronomic test plots with the Artémis multi-annual test platform and the University of Burgundy’s experimental vineyard

A team of experts and scientists at your disposal

  • Impact study of Biostimulants on rhizosphere soil microbial communities (abundance, density, diversity, microbial activity) and carbon turnover in soil
  • Evaluation of the biostimulant effect of an agrochemical product on growth and development parameters in corn plants, soil microbial communities and mycorrhizal populations
  • Efficacy study of two biocontrol products in inducing resistance in grapevines to powdery mildew and downy mildew
  • An experimental project to test the elicitor effect of a compound of agronomic interest (genetic expression, metabolome)

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Financing schemes: you can benefit from Sayens’ approved schemes

See our financing schemes

Do you want to train yourself or your teams
to develop new products ?

See our training courses

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